Monday, July 25, 2011

Reduced to the Sum of My Parts

One of the goals of this project is to create a dance work through the Harlem community. In Session 3 of our last workshop, participants completed a series of movement tasks to come up with dance phrases that will serve as material for the choreographed performance. Below is an excerpt of one of those tasks. Stay tuned to see how this movement generation turns into choreography.

"Girls are taught to hide their curves as though they're flaws." Amel Larrieux, "Sacred"

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this Sydnie. It was interesting to be able to watch it again, out of the moment. Chloe and I were speaking about the workshop last week and were musing on how it might be really fascinating to take that Task to the next level by adding music or spacial dynamics to the groups of movement phrases. This accomplished that in a way - it was great to see the movement with music!
