"Brown Girls Burlesque (BGB) is a collective of women of color dedicated to creating their own reflection in the art form of burlesque. BGB takes their rightful place on the stage to celebrate our cultures and sexuality with fierceness, artistry and humor."A huge theme of The Window Sex Project is that every woman has to navigate the rocky terrain of sexuality for herself, often without any help, guidance or direction -- and we'd appreciate it, if you let us have that journey without sexual harassment, violence or degradation. The dancers themselves in rehearsals and performance have had to really question for themselves: how revealing will my costume be? How open or closed will I be in front of an audience about my true sexual feelings? The question has come up plainly -- how sexy are we really going to be? And does that support or detract from the mission of this work?
BGB smartly takes this performance and celebration of black women's bodies to the edge. That's their choice. What is yours?
CLICK HERE to see a PHOTO montage of vintage black women in burleque on Ebony.com.
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